本公司从事玻璃深加工设备的研制及生产,具有丰富的生产经验,雄厚的技术力量,精良的加工设备,秉承务实、创新、开拓的技术理念,结合国内外先进的生产技术,生产出新颖、独特、高精度的玻璃深加工设备。主要产品有:卧式直线磨边机,直线斜边机,直线圆边机,异形机,清洗机,热弯炉,热熔炉等;豪怡----竭诚伴君创辉煌! The company specializes in glass deep-processing equipment development and production, has rich experience in production, strong technical force, well-processing equipment, uphold pragmatic, innovative, pioneering the concept of technology, the combination of domestic and foreign advanced production technology to produce innovative, Unique, high-precision glass deep-processing equipment. The main products are: horizontal line milling machine, a straight line Xiebian machine, a round straight-edge, profiled machines, washing machines, Rewan furnace, hot furnace; HAOYI ---- dedication Banjun a brilliant! ...展开
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